How important Is shielding with RCA wires? (Ethan Winer, new video)

Mr. Winer is out with a new video. FYI.



@jjss49 LOL. I'm not sure we're above self-harm at this point. Kind of like our country.

Speaking of which, research McDonalds and human meat. It could be true considering the world today. I'd rather take a chance with cables.

Let me guess..... NOT important! I don't need to watch the video. 


With Dr. Winer nothing is important. Except for acoustic panels which he has a business interest in. 


That's all you need to know.

Most important with low level phono signals. Less so elsewhere. My go to RCA ICs are DNM Reson ...unshielded. For phono as well. They are affordable and MOST coherent. Had to do some alternate shielding to enable that without inducted noise. My HVAC is just outside the wall behind the hifi.   Step up phono transformer needed the extra shielding as well and is located inside mu-metal foil. See my system photos for the mu-metal shielding implementation. No audible inducted noise with that setup. Dead quiet! Would still prefer the HVAC were elsewhere. YMMV.