Clocking: again!

There are all manner of folk claiming that clocking is irrelevant to Ethernet and USB connections. While this is obviously ignorant of the RMI/EMI and ground level effects on DA conversion and the analogue stages of a DAC, the level to which digital clocking matters was again brought into stark relief when I changed the clock cable between the Antelope 10m clock and the Etherregen from the cable supplied by Antelope to a Shunyata Clock75 Sigma cable. Shazam! Everything jumping into focus and significantly more snap and reverb. In our hobby everything matters and we are only at the very beginning of optimizing streaming.



Right on! I was just as gobsmacked when I switched the stock cable between my DAC and Clock with Acrolink 6N-D5070II. I was immediately struck by how all concepts of imaging and staging were redefined. The bass and treble response further improved to reference-level, and the midrange became fully articulated and colorful.

Any improvement you make to a Word Clock or Master Clock will pay off big time, like a dedicated LPS or cable upgrades. How can bits be just be bits when you put a $3.5k clock cable on a Master/ Word Clock? It's just crazy amazing!

In our hobby everything matters and we are only at the very beginning of optimizing streaming.

Amen brother.  It’s a brave new world.  I just realized streaming Qobuz through my iPad even with upgraded cables falls short of just playing a damn CD.  So here we go...

External clocks are meaningless if your DAC reclocks everything.

If not spend up and enjoy it.

@ Fuzztone:  Yes, my DAC reclocks.  Still, an external clock and the EtherRegen make a huge improvement to the sound. It is obvious for anybody who cares to actually try it.  And you cannot explain that, so it is better to remain in denial.