What are you tweaking this weekend?

For me I'm installing new commercial grade outlets and making a new pair of XLR cables.


Hi Erik, Just experimenting, no conclusions yet, I’m tall..speakers are Dali Epicon 8..I have Dali and Pass, your faves...Pierre at Mapleshade always said we sit too high. he had a method of sitting on phone books, adding one at a time until "perfect" height was reached...between Covid and -10 wind chill...seems like a good day to play around with it...I know already it clearly makes a difference...also setting up a refurbished Yamaha T-2 tuner in office system, sounds great...

@stereo5  It doesn't have to be new music.  Just any change to your music system.  It can also be a new bottle of liquor you plan to enjoy with it tonight. :)

I just got an Innuos Reclocker for my Innuos streamer.

It seems to be money well spent, so far.


@erik_squires ,

well in that case, I did dust my entire system, speakers and audio rack. Just like when you wash your car and the car seems faster, my system sounded better than ever.  It’s like a layer of dust was removed from the glass window😇

Waiting for my new power block then I will do some cable organization.

In the mean time installing new data acquisition on my Aprilia RSV4R.