Cambridge 840c

Has anyone had a chance to hear the Cambridge Azur840c? What are your opinions on the sound and reliability? Also what other cdps would you recommend hearing in that price range?

I appreciate your thoughts...Thank you!
I haven't heard one but it certainly looks serious. Who would've guessed Cambridge and HK would be the first to use the new chipset?

Hate to see a thread go lonely and I'm curious too.
I checked out AA and it looks to be quite good. My dealer has the Rotel 970 for approx $1000, Jolida tube cdp approx $1250, Rega (cant remember model) approx $1250 and the Cambridge 840c on sale for around $1500. I am usind a Mcintosh c220 as a pre and a Mcintosh MC352 for power.

I realize I should let my ears decide, but demoing is a bit of a hassle. I have to pick them up at closing time and return them when the dealer opens. I don't mind trying a couple, but all four is a bit of a task, the dealer is around a 45 minute drive each way.

Out of these four cdps which would you suggest trying, keeping in mind I have tubes at the preamp?

C'mon at a time!!!

I picked up the 840c today. So far all I can say is when they say "detail", they weren't kidding.