Yellowjackets - Yellowjackets from 1981
Robben Ford featured on guitar, very nice!
I don't have that one, but I do have a couple of Yellowjackets CDs from the early '90s. Enjoyable, but I haven't listened to them in quite some time.
If you like Robben Ford, have you ever heard:
Robben Ford and the Blue Line - S/T
It is a fantastic album. Unfortunately, not available on vinyl. But it is an excellent album, with fantastic sound quality too. Stream it, or buy it on CD if you're a fan. It's a rockin' blues/rock album BTW. Been jammin' to it since it was release in the early '90s. I've even taken it to audio shows and club get-togethers several times over the years. It has widespread appeal with rockers, blues fans and, dare I say, audiophiles...
Happy Sunday morning to everyone...