Audio Friends Don't Let Audio Friends ...

Your fellow audiophile who always had a system you enjoyed

makes a significant change in gear. You find it to be a major

downgrade in SQ in one way or another.


You know the person does not have a trial period covering the new purchase. 



Do you tell them exactly how you feel about the change

or simply smile thinking- everyone hears differently so 

you should not provide a true statement of your feelings?


How have you treated this situation in the past?




Are you asking a hypothetical question,  or have you actually experienced this in a friend's system?

I’m of no help … I’ve always been a Stereo Lover Loner, and my small network of friends / coworkers are the “music matters most” type.

Actually I am of some assistance @chorus … tell them your feelings and never sugar coat a friend.

@chorus  quote: ..."You find it to be a major downgrade in SQ in one way or another". 

How do you know its a "downgrade", have you heard the change first-hand demo in your audiophile friend's system?