Best amp for Avalon

Just bought a pair of used Avalon Radian HC speakers and wondered if anyone can tell me which reasonably priced amp would best suit the old classics. I currently have a Tube Research ST-100 but I just wonder if they would be bettered served with something else?? Anyone out there have experience with this speaker. Any input would be appreciated.
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I have read in many places people love Pass Labs with AValons. People also really like CJ tubes with Avalon as i understand. Karan also comes to mind. Good luck!
I have heard Avalons with BAT equipment to superb effects. I recently heard them with Rowland amps. Beautiful, almost tube-like presentation.
I'm using a 85 watt Vac 160i Sigma Tube integrated amp and it drives my Avalon Ascendants very well and sound amazing...