Best amp for Avalon

Just bought a pair of used Avalon Radian HC speakers and wondered if anyone can tell me which reasonably priced amp would best suit the old classics. I currently have a Tube Research ST-100 but I just wonder if they would be bettered served with something else?? Anyone out there have experience with this speaker. Any input would be appreciated.
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I have read in many places people love Pass Labs with AValons. People also really like CJ tubes with Avalon as i understand. Karan also comes to mind. Good luck!
I have heard Avalons with BAT equipment to superb effects. I recently heard them with Rowland amps. Beautiful, almost tube-like presentation.
I'm using a 85 watt Vac 160i Sigma Tube integrated amp and it drives my Avalon Ascendants very well and sound amazing...
I'm glad to here they do well with low power. Do you know the efficiency of your Ascendants.

Radian and Ascents (I have the latter) are the hardest speakers to drive. Eidolon, Opus, and Ascendents are completely different.
For Radians plan on using something extremely powerful like 300WPC for bass and something > 70WPC for the mids and highs.