China built tube amps

Well I had an interesting conversation today. I contacted a large dealer and let him know I would like to buy a certain integrated tube amplifier that is made in China. I was told he wouldn't sell me one. He said they are all junk.  Prima Luna, Line Magnetic, Cayin, etc, etc, he said forget it. If you want a tube amplifier buy an American or European built unit that can be serviced.

So, I am new to valve amplifiers and I want to try one to understand what they're all about and sort of get my feet wet with tube rolling etc. I don't want to spend a lot of money at first which is why I was looking at Chinese built integrateds. So my question is, without getting into any particular brand other than what I have already mentioned, what is your experience with Chinese built tube amps? As a whole are they reliable? Am I wasting my money if I buy one according to this dealer? I have to admit I was rather taken aback by how adamant he was. Thoughts anyone?

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@carlsbad  What are good points you are!

You point out the most important things people play with the tube amplifier. There is learning curve existing,you won't stop to just buy one tube amplifier and usually you are on the searching journey!  You never thought you just get one step purchase.

That's why on first step,do not spend a lot of money. You spend small money and you feel,you taste,and you learn. That is the right way to go.

Regarding Aisa products, Japanese amplifier has very high built quality,and the only selection is that you like the house sound or not.

Op, search through the Forum threads and you find member commentary on Prima Luna, Line Magnetic, etc that they own that will speak differently about them then the dealer. Likewise, you can google for professional reviews on models you may have in mind. Personally, I have a Line Magnetic 518IA integrated amp for the last 5 or so years as one of the amps in my main system. I’ve had zero issues with it, it is solidly built and sounds, to my ears, really nice with some NOS tubes swapped in. No regrets purchasing it. As others have noted you can find really fine integrated amps manufactured in the US, Asia, Europe; don’t let a dealer’s agenda cloud your pursuit. Good luck

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