Compare Paradigm speakers to....

I'm curious how others would compare Paradigm speakers to others in their price class? Any particular model or series. I recently heard a pair of Monitor 11s and felt they performed far better than the pair of Klipsh I was comparing to.
Nearly all reviews of Paradigm speakers through the years that I have read are positive. They are considered to be natural sounding, affordable and well-engineered speakers. I own 2 models, atom and another I cant recall. They were purchased for a SS about 15 years ago, and they still sound good. My wife just got them out of storage and is using them in her office in a 2 channel system.
I had been looking for some bookshelf speakers recently. The Paradigms, no matter the price catagories, were always on the top of my list in comparison to the competion. I ended up purchasing the Signature S1s. The Signature S1and S2 are both amazing speakers for the money.
Paradigm was where I started my journey. I've gone back to them a few times since and have always been impressed. I can't remember all the models I've owned, but I've had every version of the studio 20 except the v5. Dollar for dollar, they are very good speakers.
I've already cast my vote for the Paradigm S8s (v2) numerous times in other threads. For the benefit of others who are looking to buy great speakers for a reasonable price, I suggest that you audition the S8s. The S8s have been reviewed time after time over the years and have garnered top accolades.

I've said it many times, don't be fooled by the pricing. Paradigm manufactures pretty much every component in house at its factory in Ontario. Only the cabinents are made in China. In addition, R&D and fixed costs are spread over a huge product offering, which means total absorption costs per speaker very well may be less than other so called premier brands. Well, if you took basic econ and accounting in college, this would not be such a mystery.

Btw, Paradigm owns its own world class testing chamber which other manufacturers use.

IMO, the real issue here is that many audiophiles believe that something that good just can't be so reasonably priced. Again, just my opinion, but if I was to switch out for a better sounding speaker - which I may do one day -- the next speaker will probably cost a heck of a lot more than my S8s.

Final thoughts. I have read some comments that say the S8s have a hot/tipped top end. Others have retorted that a lot has to do with system synergy. I agree with the later views.

I drive my S8s with ARC tube gear. I find the sound to be very mellow and balanced. Detail is spectactular. For example, I have a Norah Jones CD where she does duets with other vocalists (e.g., Ray Charles, Dolly Parton, etc). I can actually hear the two voices separated in 3-D space. Another factor may be my listening room, which is a finished basement that is carpeted and furnished. I'm sure that has something to do with the presentation as well.

Folks, I repeat again, just my opinion, I'm not saying the S8s are the best speakers in the world. All I'm saying is that they are worth a serious listen with good equipment. As an aside, I suspect that the S8s are not pushed by a lot of high end dealers because the profit margin may not be the same as other super "high-end" speakers.

Happy listening.