Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?



Thanks, Ralph, for your continued comments. You do know your stuff.

It was not actually a buzz that I heard, but a low-level noise riding along with no music playing. But only if I pressed my ear up against the speaker drivers.

After signal grounding I no longer hear it, but the depth of the music quality improved greatly.

This seems to be unknown territory that needs more research.



Here is a quote I found from What’s Best Forum, I thought it would help explain.

"Signal noise kills transients and detail. The more noise you have in your ground signal, the less of the finer areas of your music will be heard. Of course, some people have more noise than others so its difference in degree is, of course, obvious but it’s not until you remove the noise that you understand its negative and damaging effects.

The Entreq grounding boxes work with signal ground noise. Although noise from other bits of kit can be only very slight, that doesn’t mean it’s not having a negative effect on the performance of your entire system. The Entreq range of grounding boxes fixes this as they drain off the noise in the signal path, thus opening up the sound.

  1. Improved clarity and harmonics.
  2. Improved focus and texture.
  3. Improved air and transient details.
  4. Improved sound floor.
  5. Improved smoothness and fluidity."



As I look at your beautiful system that I can only dream of how beautiful it sounds.  I can't help but think you have/have developed ultra-sensitive hearing to be able to hear any issues that detract from your listening pleasure.

@ozzy I looked at the Entreq site and also read the manual for the boxes.

They only have one wire from the component to the box. When a cell is used in a box, it can only be used for one component so there are no other 'ground' wires connected to that cell.

Since only one wire is used there is no circuit- and therefore no current. I think you'll find that the wire is of little consequence. As best I can make out the boxes might act as a sort of opposite of an antenna and is something for which I have either too much education or too little to understand; I found the poorly written (language first English not) explanations offered on the website incomprehensible.


Thak you for the comment. Too me it is a never-ending quest for the best sound I can obtain/afford.
