Grounding cable gauge size

For those of you using external grounding source devices, units such as Entreq, Nordost, Synergistic, etc. What size wire gauge seems to work the best?




As I look at your beautiful system that I can only dream of how beautiful it sounds.  I can't help but think you have/have developed ultra-sensitive hearing to be able to hear any issues that detract from your listening pleasure.

@ozzy I looked at the Entreq site and also read the manual for the boxes.

They only have one wire from the component to the box. When a cell is used in a box, it can only be used for one component so there are no other 'ground' wires connected to that cell.

Since only one wire is used there is no circuit- and therefore no current. I think you'll find that the wire is of little consequence. As best I can make out the boxes might act as a sort of opposite of an antenna and is something for which I have either too much education or too little to understand; I found the poorly written (language first English not) explanations offered on the website incomprehensible.


Thak you for the comment. Too me it is a never-ending quest for the best sound I can obtain/afford.



The Entreq box I own has 4 terminals and my DIY has 2 separate connections in one box. Entreq also makes units that have several independent sections in one box.


I use Entreq boxes for my Lumin and router. Now I have an Entreq ethernet cable with its own grounding box.

Their ethernet cable upped all of the Entreq positives you listed by several multiples.

I have never removed an Entreq box from my stereo after adding it. Never.