Consonance Droplet CDP owners

does anyone experience this with this player: i can actually hear the cd spinning sound coming thru the speakers.....anyone else? thanks
Thanks Stereo for that update. Sorry to hear of your experience. Besides I asked a member how the Droplet compared to the Cayin 17, said he "I prefered the Cayin 17"...a player I bought here 2 yrs ago NEW shipped from HK for...$1K ship included!! thats 1/3 the price of the droplet. Insult to injury.
Agree w/Kira and others, at least on a "family" basis. The 2.2 I owned exhibited the same mechanical quality. No soul or emotion. IMO a very ordinary machine masquerading behind a fancy exterior. The Quad CDP-2 I replaced it with hammered it to a pulp while managing to look quite understated, some might even say drab.
In contrast I have found the Droplet to be exellent sounding.
Varm lifelike big soundstage etc. Perhaps the cheapest way to get a hint of high end!
Nope. I certainly haven't heard that from mine. Just amazing music. As Ulf says, huge soundstage, clean but saturated hues. The best I've ever heard.
I also have found my one to be excellent sounding! Add some high end cables - DCCA the Source & Eminence XLR Interconnetcs and it brought the sound quality up a notch as well.....I guess it is all system based anyway.......For me it looks great and sounds great too.........and didnt cost 10k plus!
Just my 2 cents worth........