Bonham’s Squeaky Drum Pedal

On the song Since I’ve Been Loving You, Bonzo’s pedal squeaks. How pronounced is it on your system? How loud do you have to play the song before you notice it?




I like the squeak. Bonzo would have it that way. It is all about the Music.


Happy Listening!

There are alot of beatles songs with quirk and sound bleed too and I love them all !

The reason for this post was to see how many people hear the squeak and to see if the quality of a system has an effect on whether you can hear it or not. With my NAD C 388 amp and KLH Kendall speakers I do not remember it being there. Now with my Hegel H390 and Focal Aria 936s it is very noticeable at normal listening levels. I guess I should have expanded on my post title.

When I was in my late teens thru my 30's I never heard the squeak with my mid-fi system. But I certainly heard my Speed King squeaking. Now that I'm older and progressed to a revealing system, the squeak stands out as if it was part of the music. Using Atma-sphere, Audio Note, and Devore.

I am sidelined from doing a morning bike ride due to rain.

Time to waste with morning coffee, comparing 2 period press.

deadwax -TH Terre Haute/PR Presswell

The Terre Haute copy is a wee bit more noticeable. 

As a guitar wanker, I hear Page's off target fretting now and then. Without those and other little human flubs, it ain't R&R!