Dear @erik_squires : Several of those DBA fans are really that: fans and you know which one is ( non derogatory meaning. ) when with out ask nothing to the OP just posted it does not matters that the OP is looking for advise of subs to listen MUSIC at one and only one seat position. Obviously they need to learn but a fan normally is not abble to learn is not willing to learn.
Now, my advise to you for and for any one is to go for Velodyne due that even in the low bass we need to look for quality in that reproduction range and THD figure in that frequency range is quite critical because its tame all the other frequency ranges.
THD in Velodyne is as low as 0.5% where no other affordable true subs can get. I think that only Magico 40K each sub can even that Velodyne critical measurement.
I understand that in the past you used subwoofer. What made that you let it gone?