The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 


For those of you who recently put in the Purple fuse, how did you put them in?  Did you put the fuse in with the writing left to right?  Did you have to change the fuse after listening because you thought it was in the wrong way.  Did it vary by component?  

I wouldn't know my left from your left, so no help there. And besides, I just stuck them in and went for it. If it was bad after running for a few days I could swap it 180 degrees. My second one has maybe 30 hours on it so no way to tell yet. it didn't make everything go sour at the start, so.......

I installed in one way, listened for 20 minutes and heard nothing better. Pulled it out and turned it around and heard better sound, along the lines of a good tube upgrade. I think it makes my system sound better. Would it make more difference if my cables were better, or less if my speakers weren't so resolving? Probably. 

When I installed the purple fuses, I put them in the same direction that I had the orange. Then I reversed them and sure enough the purple sounded better in the opposite direction!

So, you gotta try it both ways to be sure...


I certainly could use a little help.

I have a Copland CTA 305 tube preamp made in Denmark.  There is nothing in the manual or online about fuse values.  I took out the two fuses and wrote down the values as:

T2L 250v

T1AL: 250v

I don't see anything near these on aftermarket fuses for sale.  Can someone relate these values to SR fuse values?
