Why spend more than $25 per piece of equipment on vibration reduction?

Do products more expensive than Vibrapods ($24 per set of four) provide superior isolation? I've been pretty happy with the pods, but I wonder whether spending somewhat more, e.g., on Iso-pucks, would bring notably superior results. Or is more a matter of visual, as opposed to audible, aesthetics? 


Where is the King of Springs @millercarbon ????

Great opp for him to sell some KYB Springs.

One possible answer: because there are more effective alternatives to Vibrapods. 

You will, however, have to experiment for yourself to discover what sounds good to you, in your system and whether the results are worth the asking price. 

I've tried Vibrapods, Original Stillpoints, New Stillpoints, brass cones, myrtlewood blocks, ceramic cones, no-name sorbathane pads and IsoAcoustic Oreas. They all affected the SQ in one way or another but I could not honestly claim they actually, in sum, "improved" the system. 

Then I tried what I currently use-- big difference-- tighter bass, deeper sound-stage and a sense of flow and ease that I'd never heard from the system. I see no point in mentioning the name because someone else would likely have tried the same products and found them ineffective. Yes; I do believe it's that subjective.  



At about .60 each the cheapo pads I use are  adequate.

Blue foam center-black rubber top & bottom. 


This is why I carry a host of different products ( which I don’t sell ) in my setup briefcase, along with my other tools. Since I carry the case myself, my ears and brian… arrive at the same time….