Do I really need a preamp with dac with volume control help

I was putting together a system in a second room and placed order fo Audio Hungary integrated but found out they had no repair center in U.S. and canceled order.

So I ended up buying a Don Sachs with the intention of buying the matching preamp. Im running the RME adi-2 v2 with Teddy Pardo power supply directly into amp. I’m not using phono or CD in this room.

It really sounds very good. Big full detailed with no lack of gain. Not at all like I’m missing anything at least I think so. Then at times I second guess this, I just don’t know.

Long ago I had a PS Audio RAM modded amp with PS audio preamp with outboard power supply out of curiosity I pulled the preamp out of the system ran balanced to phono pre, it had a volume control and everything opened up and sounded much better. Preamp and PSU went in the closet. 

I don’t want to make same mistake I did in the past and spend a bunch of money on a preamp that may not improve things. It could also make things sound worse like my experience with the PS Audio. 

Can someone advise me why I am experiencing this. Should I buy a preamp, am I missing out without having one, I know I can buy preamp and see and if it doesn’t work and then I can sell it but what a pain and expense, thanks for any insight.


It depends on the number of bits available from the DAC, the output voltage of the DAC, the input sensitivity of the amp, the capacitance of the interconnects between them, and the impedance compatibility of it all.

Technically you might not NEED a preamp but I have never seen a top performing system that didn't have a quality preamp. 

Given your enjoying the system and it is working well for you, I would not bother. For high end critical systems not having a preamp seldom is a satisfying and fully fleshed out sound. But since it is a secondary system, I would leave it there. 

Leaves more money for your main system long termed.

Ultra high end systems are not likely to exclude all popular media, and will therefore will probably have analog sources, which changes the equation.

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