The hunt is over

I feel that way. Who else reached the endgame? Feels terrific. 


I am lucky to have a huge man cave. My partner comes down here once every six months, comments disparaging about my tubed headphone system on my coffee table and some picture isn’t straight and goes back upstairs.


The investment was easy. I buy her a really expensive piece of equipment for her home theater… then she can’t complain about me buying a component for my audio system.

@jond yup, I use lightning ds and BluOS. They really aren’t all that dissimilar and I find both work well and are easy to navigate. What’s really interesting is if I add an album to my favorites on one platform it also automatically shows us as a favorite on the other platform. When I first downloaded lightning ds, it quickly saved all my favorites from BluOS. I thought I’d have to re-enter each manually but no! What a time saver, 


That's great to know and also very cool they cross pollinate like that thanks Zavato!

@sgreg1 let them take there best shot- they have in the past and I’m still standing