What a pile of Schiit

Sorry, most of us just can’t resist.

So I was looking at the Schiit Asgard and wanted it with a phono card. The web site does not provide the phono option on the drop down even though the owners manual clearly states this is an option. The only way to get it is to order it separately . When you do that, not only does it cost more but it voids the return policy even though Schiit installed it! Now if I ordered the phono card separately, and did a self install, I could return it. But, here again, you are not given an option on the site of purchasing it that way. Note the other preamps have drop downs that allow the option of factory or self installation of these cards at $50 savings either way. Insane.

So I emailed Schiit and Laura dogmatically states there is nothing that can be done, that’s the way it is.


Anyone else had similar experience with this company?

Has anyone listened to this phono card option on any of their modular headphone amps?

Post removed 

I did not find Schiit customer service overwhelming. But, their stuff is a great deal, sound quality wise. I don’t think I have had a problem with a solid state piece of audio equipment…. Well, let me think, decades…? More than that… ever? 

I have their equalizer.

It works as advertised.

But, it injects a lot of hum into my system which is not desirable.

It is what it is......

They play by their own rules.

Customer is nothing to them.

I will never buy the stuff again.

Too bad as it is a good value and made in USA.

If I say anymore they will pull this post 

like the last one.