Help with finding a new streamer.

Like the title says I’m looking into a new streamer. I currently use a Bluesound Node 2, original model. I resently purchased a Audio Mirror Tubadour III se, and now I’d like to see what a better streamer can do. My Tubadour has a usb reclocker added by Audio Mirror and I’d like to be able to give this a go as well. I’m willing to spend about 1,500$ tops and open to cheaper options though. I’m speculating that a cheaper option like the ifi or new Node with usb output could be a nice upgrade because the Tubadours reclocker option. I need Spotify, and would prefer Tidal as well but not a dealbreaker. I will probably buy used so I can resell without much loss if it’s not to my liking. I don’t think I’m looking for something warm, but definitely not something bright either. A tik to either side of neutral I think would be fine. Not sure if things like bloom and dimensionality are a thing streamers do but if so that’s the sound I’m after.

So to sum it up I need a streamer with usb output that’s close to neutral for under 1,500$ that plays Spotify. I would stretch the budget a bit if it truly seemed worth it, but unlikely. These are the models in no particular order I have come across so far that seem to check my boxes.

ifi Zen Stream

Bluesound Node (2021 model)

Sonore microRendu, not positive about Spotify though

Sonore UltraRendu, again unsure of Spotify

Lumin U1 mini, barely in budget, but think I could swing it

Aurender N100H, it doesn’t seem it does Spotify, but if it did I’d be very interested

Innuos Zen mini, I don’t love the aesthetics, but I might be open to it if the sound and value was worth it



I have owned and tried a number of streamers including Auralic Aries G2, Linn, and Aurrender N100, N10, And W20SE. I also tried a dozen or more combos of PC, and Mac (not the way to go).


I recommend Aurender. Each step up the Aurender chain is a significant improvement and it uses their control app Conductor which is very well liked by folks using it. They have outstanding support right from The conductor app. Their flagship streamer is the most used at audio shows… because of its performance.


I recommend switching to Qobuz. My audio guy recommended it every time he came by for a year… since it only takes a second, I don’t know why I was so slow to react. As soon as I did, I immediately canceled my Tidal subscription. More high Rez titles and many folks say it sounds better. 

Do you know if Aurender supports Spotify. I don’t use Roon and thinking I’m going to let my Tital subscription go as well. I do find the Aurender most appealing. I’m really not a fan of having to find a power supply that won’t match the unit as well as the extra cords and lack of support for upgraded cords. Ideally to me a streamer would have a built in linear power supply with an iec connection.  I’m guessing most that have these features are out of my price range though. 

Add to your list miniDSP SHD Studio, Magna Mano Ultra, Allo USBridge Signature and Pro-Ject S2 Ultra. They all are under $1K and have different feature sets but only the last two are USB out. My DAC is input agnostic.

Aurender does support Spotify but Spotify is not a high resolution provider. The service you use highly effects the sound. I would like to recommend Qobuz again… so do the free month.


Aurender has IEC power connectors. 

To get the digital ball rolling I bought a Pro-Ject Stream box, Ultra 2 I think it's called. I bought it for a few reasons. It gets out of the way. Ethernet cat 6 hardwired to modem and it can do hi-res, Spotify, Tidal and q=obuz. After trying all 3, I opted for Qobuz. I also have a SS hard drive connected to it.It is feeding a Antelope Audio Zodiac DAC and it sounds great
And it was relatively cheap...
That said...all my research points me to Aurender.