Help with finding a new streamer.

Like the title says I’m looking into a new streamer. I currently use a Bluesound Node 2, original model. I resently purchased a Audio Mirror Tubadour III se, and now I’d like to see what a better streamer can do. My Tubadour has a usb reclocker added by Audio Mirror and I’d like to be able to give this a go as well. I’m willing to spend about 1,500$ tops and open to cheaper options though. I’m speculating that a cheaper option like the ifi or new Node with usb output could be a nice upgrade because the Tubadours reclocker option. I need Spotify, and would prefer Tidal as well but not a dealbreaker. I will probably buy used so I can resell without much loss if it’s not to my liking. I don’t think I’m looking for something warm, but definitely not something bright either. A tik to either side of neutral I think would be fine. Not sure if things like bloom and dimensionality are a thing streamers do but if so that’s the sound I’m after.

So to sum it up I need a streamer with usb output that’s close to neutral for under 1,500$ that plays Spotify. I would stretch the budget a bit if it truly seemed worth it, but unlikely. These are the models in no particular order I have come across so far that seem to check my boxes.

ifi Zen Stream

Bluesound Node (2021 model)

Sonore microRendu, not positive about Spotify though

Sonore UltraRendu, again unsure of Spotify

Lumin U1 mini, barely in budget, but think I could swing it

Aurender N100H, it doesn’t seem it does Spotify, but if it did I’d be very interested

Innuos Zen mini, I don’t love the aesthetics, but I might be open to it if the sound and value was worth it



If all you need is a streamer for Spotify, get the iFi Zen Stream. It has Spotify Connect, is inexpensive, and sounds great. Simple. It does what you need and is a better sounding streamer than the Node. As you, I only desire the basics with good sound, so picked one up and am very pleased. Along with my Denifrips DAC, I would say my streaming listening (I use Tidal/Tidal Connect) is now on par with playing my CD’s. 

Why spend more if you don’t need more? It looks like you have a very nice DAC, so….


Do you have experience with node or just the ifi?  I’ve seen the one YouTube review saying the ifi was better and that’s about all I’ve seen far as reviews. 

Experienced with the Blue sound. BluOS is clutzy. I believe iFI when they state they a working on improving their player. Lenmark not so much


No experience first hand with the Node 2i, but was considering it. But, after reading and watching reviews of it vs the iFi Zen, the Zen was a no brainer IMO. I believe all which I read stated the iFi was better overall, and that was with outputting the Node to a common DAC used with the Zen Stream in order to compare the sound difference of the streamer itself. Sold me. I didn’t need a streamer/DAC, just a streamer that would perform well and sound good. It does.

Looks iFi ‘nutty‘, but it sits out of the way and not in my rack. 

iFi makes great stuff for the money. It wasn’t the first product I have of theirs, so I figured the quality would be there.

Ghdprentice is correct!  If you enjoy music on a level that you’re in this forum, you owe it to yourself to start with the best digital streaming source you can.  Why?

Well, first, improvement in sound related to the cost of buying a new piece of gear versus a better copy of one of your favorite albums, the cost of media is the cheapest upgrade you can make that will effect your enjoyment of music. Also I think it is super helpful to evaluate gear with the best media possible so you start as close to pure to the source as possible. 

third, and maybe least important, is that some streaming hardware doesn’t support Spotify  there are plenty of stellar options that do though, and some cool ones to look at above that do support Spotify.  Some products just don’t support it because of the amount and type of data it will stream to you.

Sorry for this long winded way of saying, +1 on upgrading from Spotify.