the grimm was just tested in europe vs our 432 EVO master
nprecedented realism
Because at the same time, a phenomenom happens which I can best describe as “de-hasting”. The Grimm also masters this, With “de-hasting” I mean the feeling that you get as listener with music, to even process very complex passages. With some, and mainly less performing products, the music can become overly blobut the 432 EVO Master even goes a little bit further. ated and prominent in certain areas, and the music is almost forced onto you. None of that with this Belgian music server who continues to act like a gallant gentlemen.

There are also differences in the bass and even though it does not fully reach the authority of the Grimm MU1, Brinkmann Nyquist, Naim ND555 and some other very expensive top products, it has other charms at reference level. A nice track to demonstrate this, is A Trace Of Grace from the album Monteverdi: A Trace Of Grace. Here bass player Steve Swallow plays exactly the kind of bass which I mean, and that in the right setting can come across as very tangible and realistic. For sure the EVO Master is catching up at this aspect, and now is at the same level with other top streamers. Also the super beautilfully captured 3D sound field from this album comes to the fore in a very tangible and believable way. It is completely separate from the music in a beautiful way, but still manages to continuously connect with it. Properties that guarantee profound enjoyment.
ven though the price is downright hefty, and a small minus is the fact that it only support USB connections towards a DAC, what we have here is a very special music server which within it’s price class, is among the best challengers today. Even though a top class CD transport still sounds substantially different in it’s own way and still is hard to beat on it’s own strong aspects, there is indeed a far-reaching analog sound. This makes the rendering smooth, airy, spacious and naturally realistic and moreover, also has exactly that right outlined and catchy character that is so typical of a good analog source. Nice work Frederic!
the nice thing with the 432EVO is you can start with the $3500.00 standard an that same unit can be upgraded all the way to the Master
Dave and Troy
Audio intellect NJ
US importer 432EVO music servers