Best Two-Way Monitor Speakers under $700 New/Used

So, here goes. I have a good friend who needs audiophile recommendations (you guys) for two-way speaker replacement with a budget not to exceed $700 new (or used) for the pair of speakers. He will place the monitor speakers on stands - color is important. Expresso finish or black color is preferred because it matches his room furniture. With that in mind, let me know what you think. He's running a NAD integrated solid state amp (but I'm anxiously trying to convince him to purchase a tube integrated or separates). He has a Music Hall turntable and Morrow Audio interconnects and speaker cabling. I recommended Totem Mites, Dynaudio Excite 12 (used) and Paradigm. Any other ideas that come to mind? Thanks in advance for your help.
After reading your last reply, then doing a quick websarch for "bookshelf" speakers, I got plenty of hits from different brands, and only a few came back with the refined description of "monitor." But that's neither here, nor there. I have been also checking into what are also called "studio monitors" as well and I do see where smaller speakers than the JBL L100/4311 have come into play. Combining those particular trends and the fact that some pretty poor varieties of speakers have been used by recording studios to give passable sound quality for the boombox and step above variety. So we both understand each other, I assume and I'm being careful here. I also tend to think you're not angry trying to express your point of view either. But I'm not sure. I guess one can no longer just accept the request for "the best performing speaker for XX$"
Have a look at the Dali Zensor 1. Great sound at half your friend's budget.
At the beginning of this year I bought a brand new pair of Quad 12L Active stand mount speakers for $750 ($1,700 retail). Each speaker is bi-amped, with a separate amp for each driver. The detail, and dynamic capabilities of these speakers is truly incredible. Why waste money trying to find an amp that will have good synergy with speakers...when you can buy speakers that already have an amp designed for every driver in them.

They have an active crossover, which has tremendous benefits over passive, and a beautiful piano finish. I recommend checking out active speakers, as the bang-for-the-buck factor is huge. Unless you want to spend the time and money on separates...which admittedly, can be fun. :-)

My 2 cents,
I've auditioned the passive Quad 12L2's and they were very evenly balanced and musically engaging. The cabinetry is very nice. The active version avoids the possibility of a bad amp matchup. If you can really find some for $700 that would be ideal.