Run Roon in an iMac or dedicated Mini

I’m running Roon core on a dedicated 2011 Mac Mini and Roon bridge on a 2015 27" iMac I use for web browsing and email. Ethernet goes to an Ayre QX-5 Twenty in my primary setup, and to an ultraRendu and LPS 1.2 with Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC via Google MESH in a secondary setup. It’s been suggested I move core to the iMac. The Mini would become superfluous. Should I move core?

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get a dedicated machine like a roon nucleus or otherwise dedicated server

mac mini's are well documented to have some issues running roon, esp if one uses all the functionality like dsp multiple feeds etc etc

forum member elberoth is selling some roon servers on here, they are terrific, vast cpu and memory to handle any roon application... ask me how i know ... 😁