Which PreAmp for Marantz PM KI Ruby

Hi guys,

My current setup is node 2i > rme adi 2 dac > pm Ki ruby > dynaudio special 40s.

I am considering adding a dedicated preamp to the chain and use the marantz as a power amp.

Will it be an investment worthwhile? If so, please could you give me some recommendations. Thanks!


Preamps are mostly for switching.

...and providing the amp the signal, level, and impedance they are looking for. 

Interesting. The reason I considered the upgrade was that when I played around with the RME as pre amp, I noticed a considerable difference in sound quality, mainly soundstage and imaging improved (to my shock). There’s a chance that it may not be an improvement to some people, but can’t deny the fact that there was an audible difference.

@russ69 in addition to space constraints (NYC apartment), I’ve always liked the tightness of a bookshelf. I also have to admit that I compared towers in the same price range or less as the dynaudio bookshelf’s I own. Any speaker recommendations that will share good chemistry with the rest of the gear (assuming i keep the electronics)?  

Any speaker recommendations that will share good chemistry with the rest of the gear (assuming i keep the electronics)?  

Triangle Signature Thedas, maybe? Probably any of the next level bookshelf loudspeaker.  

@prashanth13485 ,  the preamp section in the Ruby is quite good, but you could put something in front of the amp and change up the flavor.  I'm going to try this myself, as I own the Ruby.  I've been pretty smitten with it that I haven't put in a preamp yet.  When I do, I'm going to put a tube preamp in front of it so as to try to hear a big difference in sound. 

Would you consider going to a tube preamp?