Chinese audio is getting better with every passing year, they will compete with every segment of market, including the highest echelon soon enough. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For years, decdaes, I ADORED Jadis amplifiers,
Now I ADORE chinese amplifiers. DHT’s specifically, Just bought a Yaqin 2A3 push pull, STUNNING, stock tubes!!!!! wait til we rooll to high tech Lin Lai’s!!!! This summer hope to add a DIYer’s 845 design that lists his amp on Aliexpress, it s a DIY , no brand name. I do not have the cash for the higher chinese lines in 845’s. Cayin, Muzishare, Line Magnetic, Wellinston. My interest now in Jadis is zero.
EDIT, I used to place Dared, Ming Da and Yaqin all on the cheap list. Dared and Ming Da have pretty much faded away, leaving Yaqin as the lone survivor in this budget rank.
This 2A3 really places Yaqin up with the big boys now. Although its not scaffold build. Which helps keep price lw, but makes repairs, mods/upgrades difficult, if not impossible.
Last note,
"Id take this Yaqin 2A3 over any Jadis's amp, as now I have high EFFICIENCY!!!!!!!!!!! speakers, Dont need Jadis monsta power.