Marantz HD CD-1 Good News Bad News

THE BAD: I reconnected my HD CD-1 a couple weeks ago, as a transport, after maybe 2 years and it plays fine, but a couple days ago I noticed a scratching sound, so I took the cover off (a lot like a chinese puzzle). Directly on top, there’s a metal disc connected to the spindle over a metal plate/shield. This disc is coming into contact with the metal plate but should be ~ 1mm above the metal plate directly below it, but it scrapes on the plate. Probably deeper down it’s now off center, which would likely require a new mechanism

THE GOOD: After applying a little WD-40 under the outer edge I put it back in my system sans cover. I am very very shockingly impressed with how much better it sounds without the cover, but the scratching persists. Any ideas? Seems like it will require service

Im in Ft Lauderdale, and will call Marantz Monday


Marantz told me the mechanism is discontinued, but gave me the part number in case I could find one on line

The entire mechanism needs replacing @ $150+ shipping, and I didn't want to spend that much to repair (it's available for anyone who provides a pickup slip). Anyway, I scored a great deal on a Audiolab 6000 CDT, which I won't have until late next week, but based on the reviews and owner comments, it should be a huge upgrade


All these old names are just owned by Firms that know little about audio and care less .



Yeah, no longer made and the complete mechanism is $150+ shipping, so, no bueno

I researched Audiolab CDT 6000, and found an awesome deal on AudioGon. It is truly amazing in my system. MSRP $620~ 650. The slightly used one <$500, so minus ~ $175 mechanism + shipping

This 6000 has ~ 100 hours, so essentially new. I have been breaking it in with Isotec and XLO burn in discs to very good effect. Im very impressed, and especially for the money


I will let my Marantz go to a new home just provide FedX pick up slip. It sounded really good with the top and side panels off