What direction should I go

My system is as follows:

Magico S5 MKII
Pass Labs x250

Plinius CD-LAD mkII

Primare D30.2
Moon Audio Moon LP-5.3
VPI Industries Scout

As you can see I have no streaming capabilities. I have been reading a lot here but I am still unsure what to do. I was thinking that I would get a separate DAC and streamer. I would run the Primare digital out into the new DAC ( expecting a big improvement ) as well as connecting the streamer and hard drive so I would need SPDIF and USB connections. If I have ~$13k what direction would you guys go? I also thought about the Esoteric N-05XD to use as a pre as well as the all in one DAC/Streamer and still run the Primare through it. This would allow me to sell my current pre to help a little with the costs. This direction would also allow me to remove one shelf in my rack and save money on not having to buy additional cables.

If I had to be on one side of neutral I would go the more revealing, cooler, side of things. I listen to a wide range of music from Classical to Jazz to Rock to Metal ( and a lot of the subgenres that aren't "hifi" ). I am looking for a deep wide soundstage with no loss in the bottom end and airy highs.

For a time I thought about getting a new CD player that has digital inputs ( mine does not ) and add the streamer and hard drive to it. Based on reading I think perhaps that is not the best approach but I am not opposed to that either.

I have some somewhat local dealers to me that include brands like Aurender, Bricasti, MSB, Esoteric, Chord, Innuos, Mytek, Nagra, Berkely Audio Design. I am open to any recommendations outside of these also it is just I would prefer to demo them. But if it is used I would consider it as I could sell if it didn't fit my system.



I own both the Innuos Zen3 Mini/LPS and a Zen3. Both are very good for the price.

That being said, I bought a Brinkman Nyquist. Yes, it is over 10K used, but I have to say my first thoughts were- 'Boy this reminds me of vinyl'.

I have also bought the Zen Reclocker. I put in the system with the Mini and definitely noticed an increase in definition.


I would look into a Lumin U1 mini with a Schitt Audio DAC.  Both the Lumin and Schitt can be audtioned at home to see if you like them.

I would select a streamer that is compatible with Roon - as the software interface of the streamer you select might not be very user friendly.  The Lumin app is pretty good but Roon is on a different level.

I've read great reviews of Innuos and Aurrender but I don't think they are Roon ready - see link here.

Don’t forget to consider the software user interface side too.

I am doing what you are doing also...

Here are what you could consider in increasing price and performance but diminishing returns:

- ADi2-RME

- Bluesound vault 2i

- Schiit Gungnir

- Chord Qutest

- Schiit Yggdrasil

- DCS Bartok