Rouge Audio RP-7

Hello everyone. 


I dont see much talk about Rouge Audio products on here. Anyone have experience with their pre amps? I don't have much experience with hybrid pre amps. Was looking for a match with the Coda no.8 amplifier that I have coming in a month :)


I've had 3 different Rogue preamps over the years; a sixty six, an Rp-1, and currently an RP-7. The sixty six sounded like a tube preamp but the phono stage was pretty poor. The RP-1 was a moderate step up but the sound got kore solid state. I can't comment on the phono stage because I used an external one. I wanted more of that tube sound back so I put a couple NOS brimar tubes and while it did warm up a but it seemed quite noisy. I sold it and upgraded to the RP-7. I agree that having to take the whole cover off is a pain for switching out tubes. But this am is not just an RP-5 with balances in and outs. It's a different design and man, it is dead quiet. Again, these hybrid amps tend to sound fairly solid state with the stock tubes but I'm currently running some bugle boys in the front and Mazdas back it's it's opened up a fair bit. I have the metal remote which is very nice. Mark and nick at rogue have aways been great. I had my old M120s upgraded to 180s and wow, big difference. 


Having said all that, I'm thinking about a change. I reached out to a couple dealers about an ARC. Inhave vandersteen speakers and ARC/vandersteen is such a classic pairing. Gonna be a minute before I can make that happen though. The Rogue, in my opinion, punches way out of its price range and while it deserves to be in the conversation with he big boys like ARC or VAC it's probably going to lose but do so at half the price. 

The top end Primaluna Pre looks interesting. Especially the ability to select gain which is great if one has efficient speakers and switches amps often

I had an RP-7 and thought it was decent. There was an issue with noise coming from one channel which turned out to be related I think to the front end logic board, which Rogue promptly fixed. Sensing there was more resolution and bass impact to be had, I upgraded successively to a Pass XP-22, a PS Audio BHK Signature, then finally to the awesome ARC Ref 6SE. The Rogue was bested by all of those. It rounded the leading edge of transients. It would be a fine choice in a second system.


I really love the sound of Rogue. The RH-5 is an exceptional value plus you have the option to get the built I phono stage. Also, I asked about the remote. They said for an extra $100 you can order a metal remote for most of their stuff. The RP-9 is incredible but it does run hot, but the sound is like butter. I say get the RH-5 with the metal remote and the phono preamp if you need one. I still think the Rogue Sphinx is a hidden gem of an integrated amp. Even with an inexpensive tt it sounded great. I still have my first tt. The AT LP3. With a Nag MP110 cart. For $350 it’s a great, full auto tt.