Integrated Amplifiers - Luxman vs Pass Labs

Hello All,


This is my first post here at Audiogon.

My current amplifier is the Luxman L-550axii and my speakers are the Marten Django L and Coherent Audio 15 (coaxial speakers with 15" woofer and high efficiency of approximately 98db).

I'm contemplating making a move with my integrated.  I'm considering the Luxman 590axii or one of the current Pass Labs Integrated's.  I haven't had a chance to listen to the 590 and I've never listened to a Pass product before and the opportunity just doesn't present itself to be able to demo any at a dealer's or in-home.  

I'm hoping those that have heard both the Luxman and any current Pass Integrated could chime in with their thoughts about them and the direction you would go given my speakers. 

In the future, I may look at replacing the Coherent speakers with Audio Note AN-J or AN-E.  Any experience out there with Luxman or Pass Labs and Audio Note speakers??

Thank you to all who chime in with your experience and thoughts!


Ps. I should have mentioned. My Speakers are:

Verity Audio Parsifal Anniversary

Klipsch Cornwall IV


The X series isn't rich and full lol. I found it very clinical and it had no midrange magic.

@samzx12, so you are unequivocally saying all of the Pass X.8 series amps are not rich and full sounding?


XA25, XA30.8, XA60.8, XA160.8, XS150, XS300

X150.8, X250.8, X260.8, X350.8, X600.8

You mentioned you had tried their cheapest class AB amp; I didn't know you have listened to the rest of the X.8 line...

I have not heard the XA series and I know they are a different animal.  I didn't say I heard all the X series. Just the X150.8.  I can't imagine the rest of the .8 series is much different or why they would be.  Typically the lower powered amps have a sweeter sound than the higher powered amps. 

I do have a question.  Does anyone know the difference between the XA30.8 vs X150.8?  Since the X150.8 is Class A up to 15 watts and I needed a higher powered amp for the Olympica iii,  it was recommended I go with the X150.8.  

In addition,  I'm not trying to hijack the OP thread. :)

4) Do you find the sound to be veiled in anyway?

this is the kicker question. Here is where the Pass sound really shines for me. Transparency. I have never heard an amplifier bring absolute stunning transparency to the scene as Pass. It is spooky! how transparent Pass amps can be. Literally, hearing new details and delicacy in music I’ve heard a thousand times before. When I heard that …and felt it….I knew these amps were special beasts.



I appreciate that the above impressions are based on the Pass Labs XA60.8 mono blocks and a Pass Labs XP-12 preamp. Nevertheless, these are separates and not the integrated that the OP is asking.

Steve Huff has compared the Pass Labs INT250 and INT25(which he owned for a period of time) to the Luxman L-590AXII. Transparency to me represents detail, and the Luxman is said to sound more detailed than both Pass units.

Reviews in the links below with their respective excerpts;

Pass Labs INT-250 Review


"Luxman 590 AXII – Sweet, a little leaner than the Pass Labs with more detail so this is more for those who crave sharpness and detail over warmth and liquidity. Class A 30 watts but what it lacks in body compared to pass it makes up for in sweetness and dynamics. Made in Japan."


Pass Labs INT-25 Review


"Some may wonder what I think of the INT-25 compared to the Luxman 590AXII which is another beautiful heirloom quality integrated that comes in at around $9000. I could live with either but I would be happier with the Pass with my current speakers. The Luxman is more detailed, and has a thinner mid bass."