Question about sound stage

In every recording, the soundstage sounds skewed to the right in my room.  I can hear musical instruments to the left, but the singer is ALWAYS on the right.  Is that normal or is there something likely going on with my speaker placement or room setup?  FYI, I am audio newbie.  My setup is as follows: Franco Serblin Accordo Essence speakers; Luxman 590axii integrated amp; Antipodes K40 music server; Weiss DAC 502.  Silversmith ribbon cables.  

My audio environment is less than ideal to say the least.  My speakers face my rather large office desk and only one speaker is optimally spaced from the wall.  There is no other way to arrange my office, so it is what it is.  I can always include a picture of those who are curious or think it would be helpful.  Also, I haven't gotten around to learning how to use the Weiss's DSP room correction function yet, so perhaps that would help.




I have the same issue. Is your right speaker the one that’s closest to the wall? That could be your issue right there as the walls will serve to amplify the sound more in that speaker. If that’s the case you can try toeing the speakers in more that might mitigate it somewhat. I’ve also found a half-round sound absorption device placed on the wall between the speakers can disperse sound that eliminated the issue. Many people here like GHK if the toeing in the speakers doesn’t fix the problem. And yeah, there’s always the earwax problem you might wanna explore if none of this works. Best of luck.

Yes,  The right speaker is about 10" off the wall.  The left speaker is well away from the wall.  I can probably move the right speaker another 12" - 18" away from its current spot.  I can also move the left speaker the same distance away.  Perhaps that will help?



OK.  So I made a few changes.  I brought my speaker in about 2.5 feet from the wall.  I toed them in more.  But the biggest change was actually turning my balance adjustment to CENTER!!!  🕵️‍♂️  Oh my God!  I'm an idiot.  Thanks for all of the suggestions.  I'm noticing that there is still a bit of a right side bias, but I think that might be based on certain recordings.  And it is NO WAY near as right side biased as it was before.  For example, certain Pavarati tracks, he's more centered with a slight right side bias.  In others, he's more right side.  With the Beatles "Golden Slumber", the voice is completely right side while the drums are on the left side of the stage.  When I listen to Bolero, the tapping of the drum is center stage at all times, while more orchestral instruments in the beginning tend to be on the right side.  I don't know if this is still a problem, but I'm going to continue to explore and experiment with some of the ideas you guys gave me.  Thanks for the help guys.  As you can tell, I'm a complete noob.  



@wtb Hilarious, I made the same mistake some years ago with my Coincident pre, has dual volume knobs and very faint impressions on knob. One segment lower on one channel, drove me nuts for several listening sessions!

Thanks, SNS.  It's definitely a classic gaffe.  But the ideas that came out are really good.   Definitely stuff to think about.  
