Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping


Synergistic Orange and purple fuses popping

I recently upgraded all my gear with the new Synergistic orange and purple fuses (15 in all) What a difference! My Cary SLP-05 preamp with 8 Vintage Tungsten  6SN7 tubes is having problems with the Orange and Purple Synergistic fuses in the power supply. For some reason when I turn on the preamp amp after warming up the powersupply unit, the 2 power supply fuses pop. So far Synergistic has been gracious and replaced them twice now. I increased  the 2 large slow blow fuses from 1amp to 2amps after asking Cary audio what I should try. I also spoke with Synergistic and they agreed their fuses are sensitive but all the stock fuses I ever used have worked flawlessly. Any body out there with any similar problems and maybe a solution? Any upgraded hi-fi fuses that may be less prone to popping? I think it may be due to a current rush (tube related) when I go from off to on. Help!



Good! :-) If I don't do anything but have people prove me wrong, you still got a fix.. That's better than eatin' bugs. :-)

Time to feed the chickens! Come on Dog.. 


Not proving you wrong and really appreciate you sharing your vast experience on this. I know you were right as this is likely just a temporary fix till the caps get worse. As you suggested and so did Ted from Synergy, the preamp shouldn't pop a slow blow fuse when you turn it on unless something is not right!

Well being able to use it is a good start.. :-) I have to roll a C2500 in and a C45 out of my system. I'm so lazy! :-) BUT I just got it fixed. Wife is driving me nuts as usual. She will listen for 2 days and come out with a list.. LOL Good ears. The FIX will be a pair of matched Blackburn or Telefunken. 

I would like to try a Cary pre like a 98 or 05. I'm so use to tone control and Mac, tough to change. I've heard a few Carys though...

Happy Happy..

Fuses do NOT make ANY difference to the sound. Anyone not agreeing suffers from the audiophool syndrome. There will be scandalous resistance to this comment but just take my word for it.

Use UL approved, slow blow properly rated fuses which came with your system originally.

If you are still popping them, there may be a fault in your system.

Remember, fuses pop for a reason (typically to avoid a fire). Do not do anything weird (like installing higher rated snake oil fuses) to give the insurance companies any excuse not to pay for your burned down house.

I have the same Cary pre-amp with the orange fuses and I didn’t have to go to a higher value. I also have some exotic 6F8G and Marconi BL-63 tubes installed in it. My Cary amps are another story however as they will blow at the stated fuse value needed.