Speaker Bullet Filters

Hi has anyone got firsthand experience of any of these Speaker Bullet Filters?

There are three types I'm aware of, Synergistic Research & Bybee which are connected in parallel and Less Loss which are connected in series.

Additionally there are various types of DIY capacitor options.

Thanking you in advance.

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I use Bybee golden goddess speaker bullets and the hash removal and cleaning up of attack and decay they contribute isn‘t small. Equally I use Stein Speakermatch, again with very strong benefit.

I use the big Bybee bullets that are attached between the speaker spade lugs and the speaker cable.  In my high efficiency system with low-powered tube amps, the bullets are a mixed bag.  They make the bass tighter and the rest of the range sounds clearer, but, at the expense of the sound becoming a bit more "dry" and analytical.  I keep them in my system because I find that they effect an improvement, on balance. Â