....speaking of 'going off-topic (which I'm shocked hadn't happened earlier...)...
A 'beam Tiger was a hoot to see IRL...
"Cute droptop....is it fu.....WTH!"
"I guess it is....*LOL*"
Watched an Elan suck the doors off a Stingray 'Vette.... I'd bet the 'Vette owner did some homework to find out WTH that car was....Refrigerator White, innocent as yellow snow..... ;)
The Tiger would have survived if only they'd opted like Shelby to clean slate' the entire car. The existing frames weren't up to dealing with v8 anything....
...and I'd bet the guys back at the factory weren't amused when putting them together....
I can't bend my arm that way!" was likely common....
@waytoomuchstuff ...*L* Nahh, you're quite 'normal' 'bout your Tiger...
...and your 'apparent age' makes you a Perfect 'Sleeper'.
Go gittum'....*nasty L*