Why People Like Tekton

I saw this You Tube clip yesterday and I really think this guy gave one of the most well-reasoned explanations of why some people gave up their hyper-detailed "audiophile" speakers for Tekton.  I've never heard them myself, but I think the same reasoning applies to many other brands like Harbeth, Spendor, Wharfdale, etc.  I personally feel the way he does, but I think he expressed it better than I would have.  Eventually, at some point in the journey, you may get tired of listening to the singer's saliva and chairs creaking and just want to relax and hear music in a more natural manner.and not with your ear 6" from the singer's mouth.  Or maybe you do.  Anyway - take a watch if you have the time.  And I'm guessing most of you do. 



I think on posts about components and speakers there should be a filtering question: “Have you actually heard it?” and if you click “no“ it redirects you to a completely different forum post, perhaps titled “Uninformed Drivel.”

Tektons have one tweeter? Sure looks like they have MANY from the pics on their website…… I’ve never heard them & I’m all for smaller manufacturers to compete with the often overpriced big names. I’m just curious about their design & how some manufacturers claim is to put one tweeter inside the midrange or woofer to create better “point source” listening experience & others like Tekton have them spread out??? 


28 posts

I think on posts about components and speakers there should be a filtering question: “Have you actually heard it?” and if you click “no“ it redirects you to a completely different forum post, perhaps titled “Uninformed Drivel.”

CAN I GET AN AMEN!!!!!!  I own Tektons and stay far away from these clickbate topics. 

How can Tekton have a patent on the Mid/tweeter array when McIntosh has been doing that for 20+ years?