Hall & Oates-Live Time Side B
The Fabulous Thunderbirds-Hot Number Side 1
Carole King-Thoroughbred Side 1
Iron Maiden-Piece Of Mind Side 2
Marlene VerPlanck-Sings Alec Wilder Side 2 SQ Audiophile
Motels-ST Side 1 SQ Audiophile
Joe Jackson-Night And Day Night Side SQ Audiophile
Horace Silver Quintet-Further Exploration...(Tone Poet) Side 2 SQ Audiophile
Since 4/8 had Audiophile SQ the night was a success. What a great debut by the Motels with great SQ(Ken Perry/Rumours). The SQ champ was very close but I will give the nod to Martha Davis and band over VerPlanck by a nose.