Thanks for partaking your interesting story...
I am glad we understood one another better...
I was more lucky....
I have a very good hearing judging by my work in small room acoustic...
I decided to realize my Hi-FI dream after my retirement few years ago...But no money...
I succeeded with improvising my homemade devices for electrical,mechanical and especially acoustical aspects, the three working embeddings dimensions for any audio system....All this at almost no cost...
I discovered by experiments that acoustic treatment and especially acoustic mechanical control over pressure zones distribution and laminar air flow guided by Helmholtz method and Has wavefront law in acoustic that no improvement upgrade can beat acoustic....
It is the reason why my 500 bucks system present a S.Q./price ratio over the roof....Embeddings control of the system...
My deepest regards to you....
Any contributions I afford, I do not put great value on. My experience with audio is "old" having gotten out as a shop steward in 2001 and continuing as financial backer until 2008.
All 3 shops achieved gossamer like status and no longer exist.
I have also lost about 30% of my hearing starting in 2005 when taking several motorcycle trips cross-country.
Perhaps playing trumpet in a jazz band did not help as well.
Perhaps i get touchy about my own inner turmoils but I am at the point now where "audio" has lost its esoterica for me.
Perhaps little makes any difference to me now. Perhaps i've heard too much. Perhaps I've achieved "ok is good enough" so don't go making a lot of fuss about nuthin". "This one sounds more clear and real to me than that one" Period. I am not one for word smithing or literary adornment.
I have gotten to the point where "why do you like this wine? Is its bloom, its after note? its finish?
And I answer: "no, it just tastes fucking good to me."
I would make a very bad reviewer, "about this amp, it has no audio weight, its highs are rolled off, it is sparse in its detail and its bottom end is almost non existent...In other words, I think it sucks."