the cart or the horse?

I currently own a Parasound ZAMP, Denon PRA-1500 preamp, and Omega 7's speakers. I stream through a Bluesound Node 2i.  All this resides in a home office of approx 15x10. 

I am not happy with the sound and do not know which component to attack first. There is a lack of presence and body and the sound is well.......boring. I listen to jazz at low volumes and would like your opinion on what to work on first. 

Replace amp,preamp, or speakers? The cart or the horse? My budget is very modest but am willing to go step by step. 

All my best,


Post removed 

unfortunalely your system has fundamentally poor matching synergy.  

an AVR as a preamp is not a good solution for quality 2 channel sound. 

i heard your amplifier and it has a most uninvolving sound.

your speakers are very high efficiency intended to be used mainly with low powered SET tube amps and instrumental music.   

no wonder your sound is a mess.  

what is your max budget?  

I would like to keep it under $2500

what I really need to a game plan.....what part of the chain to replace first, second, and so on

i would suggest a used hegel 95 (integrated amp with built in dac, feed it with the node digital output) for great jump in sound quality

or a lesser improvement, though still much improved, would be a nuprime ida-8

no affiliation, not a seller, just advice to help you....