What I’ve learned over my years of listening and purchasing audio equipment is somewhere during all this you just have to draw a line and purchase the best equipment you can afford and sounds great to you and be happy. Take some time save for years to upgrade. Yes there’s all types of better speakers and all but one can never keep up unless you have a money tree out back.
Even great and frugal engineering talent like Jim T have to deal with inflation. The 2.4 cabinet performs poorly against some of its more modern competitors which as they are still in business subject to inflationary pressures. A study on beating inflation are the Vandy model 1 and 2. No flames please, I am a Thiel fan and until very recently owned a pair of 2.3 +
Well put. Value is highly dependent on many things.
Only working a few years in 1979, I took out my first loan to buy the state of the art… Pass designed Threshold s500 for $5000. The average car back then cost $6,000). That amp in todays dollars is ~ $19,000.
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