About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


yes, as @thyname said, a user post can be deleted anytime by said user... no time limit

Wise post.... Thanks...

Never a good idea to assume you know what is happening in OTHER peoples lives.

Lately, I've given up on it due to the effort it takes and I don't want to have the mods spend all their time on something so small a matter, so sometimes I post what I did, above. The offenders know it and as a result, those in the thread can appreciate it.

so you see something, make an assumption, and in your role as judge, jury and moral guardian of the the’’Gon decide to chastise and publicly ‘out’ someone whom you believe has offended your fine upstanding moral code.

What, just what if you got it totally wrong…….

hope you’re feeling truly righteous bro’

Forcing one's drastic / extreme political views publicly is not a good business decision. It's silly. Automatically, half of the prospective buyers (the other side of a political spectrum) will never buy any of your products. Unless of course, you figured out that you will be OK with the other half as prospects, and possibly, even help with sales as you look at it as a "sales pitch" for that other half, who probably would just buy your product in sympathy with your political agenda. I don't own a business, but my guess is it's possible.

Thanks for the clarification guys. I've never had the need to delete a post and assumed that what applied to edits was the same for deletions. 

All the best,