CD transport vs.streaming

Many have stated on this forum that the SQ from their CDs is superior to the sound from streaming sources. Others have said the opposite. Weirdly, in side by side identical tracks the sound from my Cyrus CDt sounds identical to my Cambridge CXN v2 streamer. I wonder if anyone else has this experience.


My internet has gone down exactly zero times while streaming, this over perhaps four years. I can still play vinyl if web did go down. See, I can appreciate and embrace new technology and the  old. This is about maximizing exposure to music, the tools are secondary, I love music first and foremost.

I know most of the dudes here probably don’t listen to fast metal music. Try something like that streaming then try it again on a nice cd to dac. I think you might come to the same conclusion I have. Cd sounds better for sure. That’s why I want that fancy 4K pro ject transport instead of a new streamer. 



I have a CXNV2 as well

Feeding  a Rotel A14

at times it’s great-all depends on the signal

I use Qobuz and internet music

again it’s the feed!

I find it a constant PIA- one moment it’s great and another I want to sell

it all!

same for LP 

my amp has sufficient power to drive my speakers 

sometimes I just want to dump

it all




I’m using a Calif Audio Lab Ikon Mk 11

CD player circa 1995!

it’s great and has an analogue and digital output

sounds  great 18 bit


I’ve owned very very expensive audio gear and I’m totally convinced

its all in the feed and the room acoustics!

stuff made nowadays is very good at most price points!

look what Jones did with little funds and created

so great speakers!