@jim5559 , Listening to 95% of the subwoofered systems out there I can understand how you would have that opinion. Most people only go 1/2 in when they get subwoofers. If you are critical it has to be an all or none proposition. To do this correctly you need at least two very sturdy subwoofers, digital bass management including selectable crossover points and slopes, phase and time alignment and room control, at least 1000 watts/subwoofer and decent room acoustics. If you could hear a system set up this way your opinion would change. Shoving one sub under a system with nothing but a low pass filter is a sure recipe for inferior sound. Doing it the same way with two subs is also a dismal approach. You are correct in stating there is a music preference for this kind of an approach. However, listening to a large symphony orchestra through a big system with SOTA sub bass is a thrilling experience.