How Do I Stream Netflix Audio On A Smart TV To My AV Receiver

I recently went from an 11 year old Marantz AV Processor
and 5 channel amp. to an Anthem 5.1 AV Receiver.

My LG smart TV has optical out, but no HDMI out.
I am currently using the optical out from the TV
to the Anthem for streaming.

With these limitations, is there a way to stream video
and audio from my TV through my AV receiver with
a HDMI cable? I am using eARC.







I can see no purpose served. Besides this is more of an AV question. Netflix IS NOT HiFi.

Use your optical out of your TV to a DAC optical in. If you don't have one you can buy a cheap one for 100 bucks or cheaper. The DAC stereo outs connect to your Anthem. This will give you Netflix audio through your speakers(.2 channel)

I do it and it sounds great. Of course one of these forum trolls will probably disagree with me...but try it. I think you'll like it.


Oh that:s gonna get you HDMI. Not.

I know down converting from, not up converting to HDMI because there is no reason to.