Question about Bi-Wiring

My speakers, Martin Logan Motion 40's, are bi-wire capable.

But I have not tried to bi-wire them just yet.

I was wondering, if I were to get better jumper cables to replace the default metal plate jumpers that came with the speakers, would that accomplish the same results as actually bi-wiring the speakers


Should I just go straight to actually bi-wiring?



Two speaker runs of lessor cables don't sound as good as a single run of a better pair of cables. 

i have never heard the benefits of biwiring versus a single run of good speaker cable, well terminated and connected

i have been at this since 1980, through probably 70-80 pairs of speakers of all shapes sizes makes

This is very funny. How would someone, anyone, would get advice from a Sherlock Holmes with lamp cord as speaker cables in the profile picture? 😂😂😂🤦‍♂️



Good observation. Lamp cord… seriously… I got out of college 50 years ago.



Very true… good quality speaker cable first, and then biwiring. I used a set of Cardas Gold Reference for many years. The primary driver of the sound was the high quality… secondarily the bi-wiring… but to my surprise, bi-wiring was better. Always sounded silly… but it was a bit better.