I am not anxious. Just figured that you would be better served at AVS Forum et al. I have Netflix on my TVs, cable box and a Roku with HDMI out. No HDMI to the AVR except for the BluRay, no reason to.
What are you trying to do and why?
How Do I Stream Netflix Audio On A Smart TV To My AV Receiver
I recently went from an 11 year old Marantz AV Processor
and 5 channel amp. to an Anthem 5.1 AV Receiver.
My LG smart TV has optical out, but no HDMI out.
I am currently using the optical out from the TV
to the Anthem for streaming.
With these limitations, is there a way to stream video
and audio from my TV through my AV receiver with
a HDMI cable? I am using eARC.