Tube Integrated vs Tube Seperates

I’m looking into buying a tube setup.  Thinking it will be Primaluna because I find tube amps a bit intimidating and I will be putting lots of hours on it. Because these factors Primaluna seems like at least a good place to start for me. Thanks to all who gave me there impressions in my previous post about Primaluna.  Anyway, looking for people’s take on tube integrated vs tube seperates. Really what I’m looking for in the move is more holographic soundstage, bloom, air, and an over all more lifelike presentation. Will I get more of these qualities by going Dialogue preamp into Dialogue amp, or with the Dialogue HP integrated, or will it be very similar?  Any thoughts are much appreciated 


Most of my tube experience is with Jadis and McIntosh--a little with Audio Research.  Others, just a hear now and again.  Of those, I've only heard integrated with Mac.  Separates always sounded a lot better than integrated when I could compare.

Having read all of the above I have logged in only to address the power concerns of SS vs tubes. I have never heard PL or any of the other tube amps/int. amps mentioned so I cannot comment on the sound comparisons.  I have a Raven Blackhawk tube int. amp. at 20 wpc and very pleased with the sound. It replaced reputable SS separates at 400 wpc/4. And I have no issues with volume. I would’ve never believed it but heard it for myself before buying. I listen to CDs and Vinyl, some rock, some classical, and alot of "classic vinyl" from A to Z, etc. My speakers are 92 db sensitive Martin Logan ESL 9s.

I was once a separates only guy. For the past 10 years I’ve only listened to integrated’s. They’re very good and very affordable. That PL will be good enough. Don’t buy into the noise others here are selling. 

Imo..the mindset integradeds take to a back seat to separates is silly at best these days ..there are some super integraded amps out there that can stand side by side or even surpass separates...add that to other benefits they bring to the table  I guess that's what the buying market is following that path .