To Mod Denon DVD-5900 or not?


It looks like there are a bunch of people here who have modded Denon DVD-2900, 3910, and 5910. I hardly see anyone who have modded their Denon DVD-5900 from all these available mod shops. Why is this? I currently have a stock Denon DVD-5900 and was wondering if it is worth modding? Would like real owners/past owners to respond and share their expereinces good or bad about their modded Denon 5900 player and what they compared it to. Mods can cost from $1500 - $3000 plus, so this can get pricey and is it worth it?

Would I be better off selling my Denon (recoup some money back), and buying a (stock/un-modified) used Ayre C-5xe, Cary SACD 306, Classe CDP 202, Esoteric SA-60, or Marantz SA-1, SA11, SA-7, etc? Which way will I get more bang for my buck? Most interested in strong redbook CD playback and SACD as an added plus.

Thanks in advance.

Can you email me, or what's your email address? I would like to ask you some stuff offline.

Second the comment concerning only purchasing a modded unit from a reputable modder; this is an absolute must do. Also agree that there are many other models and manufacturers to chose from.

I went the modification route once and I would not do it again. The sound of the modified player was better in terms of individual audiophile parameters that so many of us talk about but in the end the overall sound was less musical to my ears and I didn't like it. If it had been a different player or a different modification company maybe I would have been extremely happy but you don't know what you are going to get and once you get it back its yours. I don't think any of these modification guys are going to return your player back to its original condition and return your money if you don't like what they did to it.