To Mod Denon DVD-5900 or not?
It looks like there are a bunch of people here who have modded Denon DVD-2900, 3910, and 5910. I hardly see anyone who have modded their Denon DVD-5900 from all these available mod shops. Why is this? I currently have a stock Denon DVD-5900 and was wondering if it is worth modding? Would like real owners/past owners to respond and share their expereinces good or bad about their modded Denon 5900 player and what they compared it to. Mods can cost from $1500 - $3000 plus, so this can get pricey and is it worth it?
Would I be better off selling my Denon (recoup some money back), and buying a (stock/un-modified) used Ayre C-5xe, Cary SACD 306, Classe CDP 202, Esoteric SA-60, or Marantz SA-1, SA11, SA-7, etc? Which way will I get more bang for my buck? Most interested in strong redbook CD playback and SACD as an added plus.
Thanks in advance.