Check this out.


Interesting. 24.XX each.


Contact enhancer. Like paying the spiritual advisor extra? Laying on of hands? Jordi tweaking the sensor array?

Hard to believe manufacturers don't upgrade their fuses. A bridge too far for me.

@jpwarren58 - a Trekkie huh?
Yeah, crazy talk no?

Except when you read from enough credible people that it starts to make you seriously question the notion.
Even I must admit, I understand the skepticism of those who have been in the spiked feet camp for decades, when they first read about isolating speakers on springs. Seems like nonsense too. Until you actually try it.

In primary school a science teacher showed the class mercury, I wanted to pick it up, but was told it was dangerous. I didn’t pick it up, but seriously had my doubts (even though I trusted my teacher), it looks like fun to play with.

All mains power entering the power supply, does so through the fuse, which is a protective device (or is required by law it to protect the building the device is wired to?), the current will pass through the wire into the connector, the fuse, the second connector and the wire into the bridge rectifier and smoothing capacitors etc. before being used as DC.

How can so many seemingly educated and well written audiophiles claim real world experience in the performance of such a small thing as a fuse? Even long time, industry leader’s electrical engineers have been shown to acknowledge that even the humble fuse can alter the final sound of a stereo system.

Or is it the concept of a fluid contact enhancer, that you’re objecting to?
Either way, many many Agon members have written in here about them, many with a great deal of knowledge and credibility, and so I’m not one to simply dismiss it so easily.


I didn't remember BUT I went to Chucks system page and went thru all the Chuxpona 21  pictures.

It was a Bel Canto.

The owner was impressed with the tube pin treatement.


The doubt of a sleeper lie under the pillow and the doubt of those awake  lay over the pillow...

 The question is not to doubt or not.... Even dreamers doubt...

The question is am i awake and able to verify and experiment by myself ?

Audio threads are full of people doubting and prey to consumerism  conditioned superstition...

Their doubt is the expression of a faith or empty opinion...

I would think contact enhancer would be a maintenance item...prevent corrosion, facilitate removal.

Fuses would be an obvious manufacturer marketing tool if what you guys say is true. Or something that could negatively impact their engineering credentials. I am not going there as too many warranty and resell implications. 

Live long and tweak away.

(btw Rick did me a solid not long ago and I appreciate his positive impact on the community.)