Neil Young is a moron and proved it in the 80’s with his statements about HIV and AIDS.
Neil Young calls out Tidal
A metaphor about awareness which is used by me at the end of a string of arguments is a metaphor not an ad hominem attack... Sticking on a detail to drown the fish and observing that you just did that is not ad hominem attack... It is a description of what you just did...But perhaps i misinterpret your intention indeed... If it was not your intention i will apologize on the spot... I can be wrong all the times ... i had the bad habit to react too swiftly... Then states your intention clearly...
900,000 dead: Covid deaths are surging in low-vaccination states ( Latest figure I have read is 97X less likely to die currently if vaccinated and boosted. My personal experiences of late are exactly in line with that metric. Anti-vaxers, unless YOU are the expert, please keep it to yourself. You have every right to do as you please in this regard but stop trying to convince others to listen to YOU. Thanks and cheers! |
The most at risk are now wearing masks where I live without mandate....I am sure all of them got vaccinated. The % of younger people is lower I am sure, especially among the recently approved age levels. As the virulence wanes, hopefully the mandate talk subsides, and some companies have rolled it back. If you are vaccinated, you are less likely to spread it because if you do catch it, it is at a lower level of presence in your body and therefore less contagious, that is why it is better for the community if everyone gets vaccinated. Those who are ill-informed, selfish, stubborn, or think it is somehow a political issue and not a health one are the only ones not getting vaccinated (except maybe for kids whose parent won't let them get it). They should never have used the word mandate. It has a bad connotation. Recommendation with potential consequences if not adhered to is better. Places where I live state it best - "Please wear a mask when you enter the store". You can come in without one, which I do if it is not a real crowded place, but forcing me to put one on where there is not another human in sight is ridiculous. |
97X more likely to die if not vaccinated Odds of younger healthier people dying are lowest still if vaccinated but lower still otherwise. Older less healthy people of course also higher risk either way. Just 97X less if vaccinated. THAT IS SIGNIFICANT and I have seen real life play out as expected there. 97X less likely to die. That is the metric currently being reported. It’s a dynamic situation of course so things change over time. Stay tuned. Static unbending decision making may not work best. I have a son who will not get vaccinated. Probably not high risk but I still wish he would. Daughter, I and wife fully vaccinated. My wife is a skeptic but did it because she works in a medical facility and had to. Probably would have otherwise in any case because she loves her family and would not want to take chances.